However, some that really do interest me: line up in a dead end block, exchange loco (the loco on top leaving one on the blocks on departure) and Cabinets (traverser table / sector plate likely to be a requirement for my next downsizing layout) or Loco Lift on the current layout. Whilst it may be possible to do workarounds with v9 (I have quite a few that I have achieved) I haven't cracked all of them.
traincontroller 7 gold crack 16
is this a step towards to monthly subscription model used by other software as a way to raise additional revenue by making is extremely hard to pirate the software? Perhaps someone is selling cracked versions of the USB stick, which at the price of the software would not surprise me.
Well frankly, I have been considering replacing it ever since the faffing around about supplying the UK after Brexit and the whining about it on their forums and the somewhat dodgy price issues for various countries. I think the next layout will move to something else, even though I am fully invested into TC gold, I'm just getting a bit fed-up with the whole situation with TC. 2ff7e9595c